How Can a Family Lawyer Help You?

A family lawyer covers many aspects of family law and this type of lawyer may specialize in any of the areas associated with that topic: adoptions, assets and property division, child custody, child support, divorce, domestic violence, guardianship issues, paternity, premarital agreements, spousal support (alimony), unmarried couples and visitation rights.

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If a firm is a full service firm, it will generally have lawyers who cover all areas of family law in your state. Family law does vary from state to state.

Many family law-related legal issues are emotionally charged situations, especially if there are children involved, so a family lawyer must be able to deal with the emotional issues that come with custody, divorce and domestic violence cases.

A family lawyer may also be well-versed in criminal law, since issues like domestic violence and parental abduction of a child may be charged as a felony in some states. Child guardianship and visitation rights often become heated battles and a good family attorney will represent your interests, the child’s interests, and protect you while keeping the emotion out of it.

Because family law deals with the assets and liabilities of the parties involved, a good family attorney needs to be experienced in the workings of retirement accounts, stock accounts and other financial assets and liabilities that may be at stake. These are situations where you need an attorney to help protect you from being taken advantage of or not getting what is rightfully yours.

A family lawyer can also help with other life events like setting up a trust, creating a will, making a legal name change and other civil legal issues. If a particular situation involves another area of law, like immigration law or criminal law, a family attorney can help by recommending an attorney who specializes in that type of law.

When choosing a family lawyer, it’s a good idea to consult with several lawyers before making a choice. Be prepared to ask questions during the consultation to be sure the family lawyer you choose is equipped to handle your individual situation.

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